Program Eligibility
- Please submit case studies detailing a project you were engaged by, and worked on with, a client—either alone or as part of a group of providers.
- The project must have been active during 2023, or later. Work that was completed before 2023, even if the outcomes were realized later, will not be eligible.
- Case studies may cover work related to any technology, product, or service, as well as any industry or geography.
- There are no limits to the
amount of case studies you may submit.
Case Study Submission
- Click here to start your case study submission.
- During your submission, you will have the option to provide links, or add attachments, in response to some questions. These can include any published or readily available material which may strengthen your case study.
- Please ensure these materials are not password protected, or have other access restrictions.
- There is no cost for a provider to participate.
- After some initial screening questions, you will receive a unique link to complete your submission. You will receive a separate link for each case study submitted so you can work on multiple submissions.
- Download a preview of the submission form to help you prepare in PDF or Word.
Client Validation
- After submission we will reach out to your client with a survey to validate the details of your case study.
- We require your client’s contact information on the submission form. You may opt to share this information later, but the submission will not be considered complete — or eligible as a standout case study — until you do, using the aforementioned unique link.
- The survey will require no more than 15 to 20 minutes to complete and comprises four sections of multiple-choice questions.
Case Study Description:
ISG will share a summary description of the case study based on the original submission from the provider. The client will be required to review this description and to provide further details or feedback, if needed.
Relationship Background:
This set of questions focuses on the provider-client relationship. Key topics include the two firms’ history of working together, the client’s reasons for partnering with the provider, and related attributes such as executive visibility and collaboration.
Client Context:
This section is designed to help ISG understand the overall context of the engagement from the client perspective; answers will not be interpreted as a comment on or evaluation of the provider’s performance. The client will rate various statements on scale of relevance to their organization, their collaboration with the provider, and any benefits realized as a result.
Provider Role and Performance:
This final section focuses on the specific attributes of the partnership. These are the only questions related to the provider’s performance, relative to the client’s expectations. Some questions provide the option for the client to write a short, supplemental explanation of their response.
Responding to the survey should require no advance preparation. Unlike in previous years of this research, ISG will not ask the client for any specific metrics, making it easier for a client to validate a case study. Throughout the survey, easy-to-respond multiple-choice questions and statements are used for this research. Any information provided by a client will only be used in aggregate. No responses will be attributed to the provider, or to the client as an organization or as an individual.
Post-Submission Process
- After completing your submission, ISG will contact you with clarifying questions. You must respond to these questions within two weeks.
- After we validate your submission, we will share an ISG-authored case study to be used internally at ISG and may be published externally. You will have an opportunity to fact-check this case study, or flag any confidential information you wish to
be protected.
- This review is not an opportunity to provide additional details about the case, or influence ISG’s commentary on the case study.
- Your completed case study will be included in the Candidate Provider Qualifications process.
- Provided your submission included the necessary client contact information needed for validation, your submission will be considered for the ISG Case Study Standouts, and The Paragon Awards.
Timelines and Deadlines
- To be considered for The Paragon Awards, Providers must have their case studies submitted and validated by their clients by specific cut-off dates shown below.
Region | Cut-off Date / Deadline (Including client validation) | Awards Event |
ANZ | February 28, 2025 | May 8, 2025 |
- ISG may choose to add or change the dates shown above.
Case Study Standout Timelines
- Submissions for ISG Case Study Research are open all year.
- Case studies will be reviewed for inclusion in the list of year Case Study Standouts through the year, upon completion of the client validation.