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ISG Star of Excellence™ - Methodology

The Star of Excellence survey and all the related client experience are measured via six pillars.

ISG Definition of Enterprise CX

Two Streams of CX Insights


1. Collaboration & Transparency: The ability of a provider to be transparent in working with the customer as well as to collaborate efficient to understand, empathize and solve client’s business problems.

2. Execution & Delivery: The ability of a provider to demonstrate capabilities in action towards delivering client value in time and quality.

3. Innovation & Thought Leadership: A reflection of good the sense for new trends is and how well a provider translates its industry and technical know-how to create unique business solutions for their clients.

4. Governance & Compliance: Preparedness and implementation of how well and compliant a provider manages the governance of the services during the overall client engagement.

5. People & Cultural fit: The aptitude, passion and attitude of service provider personnel that delivers the services to clients.

6. Business Continuity & Flexibility: The ability to deal with new challenges and offer flexible solutions to accompany customers even the times like the current pandemic.